
Getting Started

On-Chain Voting

Program Code

In this program, we are going to build a decentralized on-chain voting system on solana. Where users can vote on our favourite GM and GN. Let's see who will win 🚀.

With the help of this example we are going to learn, how to store and update data in solana accounts.

To initialize the project, simply run:

anchor init onchain-voting

Program's Code

Let's write our first instruction init_vote_bank which let us to store all of our votes in a new account on the Solana blockchain.

use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
pub mod hello_world {
    use super::*;
    pub fn init_vote_bank(ctx: Context<InitVote>) -> Result<()> {
        // Open vote bank for public to vote on our favourite "GM" or "GN"
        ctx.accounts.vote_account.is_open_to_vote = true;
pub struct InitVote<'info> {
    // Making a global account for storing votes
        payer = signer, 
        space = 8 + 1 + 8 + 8, 
    pub vote_account: Account<'info, VoteBank>,
    pub signer: Signer<'info>,
    pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,
pub struct VoteBank {
    is_open_to_vote: bool,
    gm: u64, 
    gn: u64,

Time for our second and most important instruction the gib_vote. This instruction accept votes from public a.k.a janta

pub fn gib_vote(ctx: Context<GibVote>, vote_type: VoteType) -> Result<()> {
    // If vote_type is GM increment GM by 1 else increment GN by 1
    match vote_type {
        VoteType::GM => {
            msg!("Voted for GM 🤝");
   += 1; 
        VoteType::GN => {
            msg!("Voted for GN 🤞");
   += 1; 
pub struct GibVote<'info> {
    // we are going to store users vote in this account. Hence marking it as mutable(mut), 
    pub vote_account: Account<'info, VoteBank>,
    pub signer: Signer<'info>,
#[derive(AnchorSerialize, AnchorDeserialize)]
pub enum VoteType {

Now compile and build this program, by simply running:

anchor build


Now It's time to write a test for our program! Copy-pasta the following code into your onchain-voting.ts file in tests folder in the root directory.

import * as anchor from "@project-serum/anchor";
import { Program } from "@project-serum/anchor";
import { OnchainVoting } from "../target/types/onchain_voting";

describe("onchain-voting", () => {
  const program = anchor.workspace.OnchainVoting as Program<OnchainVoting>;
  let voteBank = anchor.web3.Keypair.generate();

  it("Creating vote bank for public to vote", async () => {
    const tx = await program.methods.initVoteBank()
        voteAccount: voteBank.publicKey,
    console.log("TxHash ::", tx);

  it("Vote for GM", async () => { 
    const tx = await program.methods.gibVote({gm:{}})
      voteAccount: voteBank.publicKey,
    console.log("TxHash ::", tx);

    let voteBankData = await program.account.voteBank.fetch(voteBank.publicKey);
    console.log(`Total GMs :: ${}`)
    console.log(`Total GNs :: ${}`)

  it("Vote for GN", async () => { 
    const tx = await program.methods.gibVote({g:{}})
      voteAccount: voteBank.publicKey,
    console.log("TxHash ::", tx);

    let voteBankData = await program.account.voteBank.fetch(voteBank.publicKey);
    console.log(`Total GMs :: ${}`)
    console.log(`Total GNs :: ${}`)

Deployment 🎉

Time to deploy and test our first hello world smart contract, yay!

We are going to deploy on devnet. Here is our deployment checklist 🚀

  1. Run anchor build. Your program keypair is now in target/deploy. Keep this keypair secret 🤫.
  2. Run anchor keys list to display the keypair's public key and copy it into your declare_id! macro at the top of
  3. Run anchor build again. This step is necessary to include the new program id in the binary.
  4. Change the provider.cluster variable in Anchor.toml to devnet.
  5. Run anchor deploy
  6. Run anchor test

On-Chain Result

> Program logged: "Instruction: GibVote"
> Program logged: "Voted for GM 🤝"
> Program consumed: 2121 of 200000 compute units
> Program returned success

Program's transaction log

Hello World